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Life expectancy at hatching, the average lifespan, generation time, net reproduction rate, intrinsic rate of population increase and proportion of sexual offspring of B. angularis exposed to kairomone concentrations released respectively by four densities of Asplanchna and cultured at two S. obliquus levels. Shown are the values mean + standard error based on three replicates. Small and capital letters indicate means that are similar (same letter) or different (different letters) for each variable among four Asplanchna-released kairomone concentrations when fed 1.0 × 106 (unfilled bars) and 2.0 × 106 (filled bars) cells mL−1 of S. obliquus, respectively (LSD multiple comparison), and asterisk (*) indicates means that are different for each variable between two food levels (P < 0.05, t-test).

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