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Table 1

General features of sampling stations of creeks in the Lake Sapanca Basin.

Creeks Station number Latitude Longitude Length (km) Mean annual discharge (m3 s−1) (TUBİTAK, 2010)
Değirmen Creek 1st station 40° 43′ 47′′ N 30° 11′ 52″ E 11.0 0.130
Fındık Creek 2th station 40° 43′ 37″ N 30° 11′ 23″ E 8.0 0.100
Karaçay Creek 3rd station 40° 42′ 35″ N 30° 08′ 57″ E 10.5 0.276
Kuruçay Creek 4th station 40° 42′ 28″ N 30° 10′ 26″ E 11.8 0.452
Kurtköy Creek 5th station 40° 42′ 17″ N 30° 11′ 55″ E 12.5 0.113
Mahmudiye Creek 6th station 40° 41′ 53″ N 30° 14′ 44″ E 13.4 0.485
İstanbul Creek 7th station 40° 41′ 51″ N 30° 15′ 47″ E 12.8 0.526
Sarp Creek 8th station 40° 41′ 21″ N 30° 16′ 28″ E 4.0 0.100

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