Issue |
Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim.
Volume 54, 2018
Article Number | 10 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 March 2018 |
Research Article
Does the use of various population parameters affect fish assemblage structures?
Department of Ecology and Vertebrate Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź,
12/16 Banacha Str.,
Łódź, Poland
* Corresponding author:
While studying the fish populations in small streamlets and their responses to climate change and anthropogenic stress, the following parameters are used: present/absent species, relative number, and relative biomass recently. Although the image/structure of the population differ from these parameters, this problem has not been investigated by researchers in this topic. It is now known that the potential energy accumulated in animal tissues is the best indicator of his strength and importance in nature, but I have not encountered work assessing the image of population structure according to these population parameters. Consequently, most reliable parameter − the relative calorific value of biomass (in the wet weight), was used. Relative biomass is the parameter of the population, which was found to be the closest to the calorific value of the biomass, as demonstrated by the SOM (self-organizing map) artificial neural network algorithm used in this study. For this reason, attempts have been made to convince authors of future work that relative biomass studies are used in the studies of fish assemblages, as research has already been undertaken, and this paper provides evidence that this choice is justified.
Key words: Fish assemblage structures / present/absent / relative number / relative biomass / relative biomass caloricity
© EDP Sciences, 2018
1 Introduction
The complex relationship between abiotic and biotic factors leads to many assemblages, which differ in their composition. An assemblage must be more than a random collection of species able to survive in a given area (Allan, 1995). The availability of adequate food for species is one of the most important factors governing the composition and stability of an assemblage, and the caloric content of the body is one of the important factors deciding about the composition and stability of populations within an assemblage (Beugly and Pyron, 2010).
The similarity of the structure of assemblages of fish in inland waters is assessed using two parameters: the species present/absent and relative number (Matthews, 1998), plus also recently the relative biomass (Penczak et al., 2005). The introduction of the new parameter concerning the relative calorific value is justified by the validity of the potential energy in the ecosystem and the species that inhabit it (Tytler and Calow, 1985) and, accordingly, the growth of vertebrates has been constrained by the limited supply of potential energy (Allan, 1995). A noticeable mistake is that one judges the validity of a species in an assemblage by comparing, for example, an individual stickleback (about 1–3 g body weight) with a sexually mature pike or roach (weighing hundreds or even thousands of grams). Despite this fact, a few papers have been published in which the relative biomass of fish was used for assemblages' analysis instead of the relative number but without showing how assemblage will be looking when it will be made by the use of a caloric value (Kruk, 2006; Kruk et al., 2007; Penczak, 2011b; Kruk and Penczak, 2013; Penczak et al., 2013).
In temperate zones, fat levels increase in fish tissues before winter, and during spawning. However, this has no negative impact on our current research, as fish were caught in the same month. Also in the Dobrzynka Stream all fish species have a similar percentage of fat in the body (Penczak et al., 1977). However, there are fish species with higher levels of fat in tissues such as Anguillidae, Salmoninae, Coregoninae, or Thymallinae in Central European rivers, which may produce large numbers of populations, and the differences between biomass and body calories may be much larger, and can provide different of the assemblages dislocation in respective SOM's neurons, However, relative biomass and relative body caloricity will still remain most close to each other.
The aim of the study is to show which among used at present population parameters have a structure similar to the one obtained by the biomass caloricity.
2 Study area
The Dobrzynka Stream selected for the study is a left-side tributary of the Ner River in the Warta River system, Poland (Fig. 1). The length of the stream is about 21 km and its catchment is mostly meadows adjoining the banks, but there is occasionally arable land and forest in the source section. The Dobrzynka Stream, from its sources down to Pabianice, which the stream enters at the 15 km of its course, was slightly polluted by domestic sewage and occasionally by several farms distributed along its upper course.
The stream reach investigated was natural and meandering during 1979–1988, which is the period of the study. In 1989 the reach was regulated with two cement low-head dams and the period after 1989 is ignored to avoid the destructive impact of the dams on the formation of a fish assemblage (Penczak and Kruk 2005; Penczak et al., 2009).
Two rifles (each up to 10 m long) and ten pools (all being shallow enough for wading during sampling) occurred within the natural reach. The mean water discharge on the days of sampling (in each October of 1979–1988) was 0.15 m3 s−1 (0.10–0.26 m3 s−1). This stream can be considered a typical lowland one because the dominant breeding group in it are phytophilic fish species, and the only lithophil is a species of lamprey (Tab. 1). Mean water and air temperatures during the 10 years of study measured in October were respectively 13.0 °C (range: 9–13.4 °C), and 16.2 °C (range: 9.5–25 °C).
Fig. 1 Map of the study area and position of sites (A–E). |
Reproductive guilds, according to Balon (1990), of fish and lampreys collected in the Dobrzynka Stream in the period 1979–1988.
3 Materials and methods
The fish were sampled each year at the end of their growing season (October, between 1979 and 1988). In October freshwater fish in central Europe achieve maximum body weight, body caloricity and mean biomass of populations, etc. in the given year (Penczak et al., 1982). During winter only decreases in the values of these parameters of fish individuals and fish populations have been recorded (Wootton, 1985).
The scientific name and English name of fish species, and their abbreviations, are in Table 1, whereby each species is organized according to its reproductive guild (Balon, 1990).
This study is based on one run/catch conducted on a CPUE basis (catch per unit of effort and consistent length of the river bank, the same electro shocker, two-anode dipnet; data used in the present study were not used in our former publications devoted of the Dobrzynka Stream fishes (Penczak, 2011b).
Fish were obtained in the course of the electrofishing by two people wading upstream with anode-dipnet, using a full-wave rectified current supplied from a 3 kW generator with an output of 220–230 V and 1.5–3.0 A at the dip-nets (Penczak, 1981). The fish were caught in five adjacent sites, each 100 m long, with the exception of the middle one, which was 50 m long; the whole study section was thus 450 m (Fig. 1, see sites A–E). The study used results obtained from the first catch only, and the average relative number and relative biomass were calculated from five sites in 100 m2.
Measurements of the energy content were made using a non-adiabatic calorimeter micro bomb (Klekowski and Bęczkowski, 1973), and pellets prepared from homogenates of whole fish were used (Penczak et al., 1982). Knowledge of the percentage of the water content in tissues and the caloric content of the dry mass of fish made it possible to calculate the energy content in the wet weight of fish species present in the stream to calculate the relative biomass (Penczak et al., 1984). Caloric content can only be measured in the dry matter in the micro bomb, but in bioenergetic papers it is given in both dry or wet mass. Such studies are expensive, but data on the body caloricity of plants and animals are available in literature (Cummins and Wuycheck, 1971).
A Kohen self-organizing map (SOM) was applied for ordering data (see Tab. 3) using the SOM Toolbox for Matlab version; implementation the SOM algorithm developed by the Helsinki University Technology (Vesanto et al., 2000; Kohonen, 2001; Céréghino and Park, 2009). The advantage of this method is that it can be used to effectively analyze complex data sets despite non-linear relationships and non-normal distributions, and it results in a two-dimensional map that is easy to interpret (Kohonen, 2001). The method has been commonly used for data analysis in various fields, including ecology, agriculture, health, and climate and engineering (Chon, 2011). The SOM has been proven to be an effective and powerful tool for exploring patterns in species' distributions and the structure of plants and animal communities, and the presence of each of the samples in the same neuron states do not differ significantly with the relevant parameter values used for its creation (Chon et al., 1996; Giraudel and Lek, 2001; Penczak et al., 2005, 2009; Kruk, 2006, 2007; Kalteh et al., 2008; Bedoya et al., 2009; Jutagate et al., 2011; Stojkovic et al., 2013).
The number of input neurons is equal to the number of variables in the data set, such as the number of years (10). Each input neuron is connected to all of the output neurons. During the training process, input neurons transmit signals to the output layer of neurons; with the data being 16 taxa × 10 years. Times in the rough training phase and in the finetuning phase, with the final quantization error (QE) and final topographic error (TE), are presented in Table 2. Errors QE and TE gradually decrease with the increasing map size (Céréghino and Park, 2009) and, in turn, are important for undertaking a decision about the proper map size.
Output layers of different sizes were examined step by step, from 2 × 2 (4 neurons) to 5 × 4 (20 neurons), and an output layer of 4 × 3 (12 neurons) was ultimately chosen. It was noted that the determination of the optimum map size can be problematic, and equally that the SOM dimension is arbitrary (Céréghino and Park, 2009). One dimension of the SOM was selected for evaluating the similarity distribution of samples for the four analysed in this study's population parameters, as the level of the SOM can change the deployment trials in neurons.
To finally select a map size we used the heuristic rule by Vesanto et al. (2000): where map units are and n is the number of training samples. The actual neuron numbers should be close to the number determined by Vesanto et al.'s rule, but we have accepted a slightly smaller map (4 × 3, 12 neurons) instead of 15 neurons (5 × 3), calculated from the heuristic rule, because there were still 5 empty units (units without assigned samples). However, this procedure does not yield clear gradients and is not relevant for other statistical analyses (Céréghino and Park, 2009), hence our decision.
The log transformed biomass of individuals (normalized 0–1) was presented onto the neurons in the input layer. A batch training algorithm has been used, which is significantly faster and does not require specification of any learning rate factor, and the results of the batch algorithm are not dependent on the learning order of inputs (Park et al., 2006). Generally, the SOM is a robust and useful method for ecological study (Kalteh et al., 2008; Chon, 2011), and different training functions do not have any noticeable effect on its operation (Noori et al., 2010).
Quantization and topographic errors for four population's parameters estimated in seconds (each at 100 epoch) for rough training phase has length 12 and for finetuning phase − 48; training phases were equal.
Output data of population parameters used in the study (results from five connected sites): PA − presence-absence, RN − relative number, RB − relative biomass (in g), RBC − relative body caloricity (in KJ of wet weight). Averages for five sites recalculated per 100 m2. Acronyms for species are given in Table 1 in the legends.
4 Results
The degree of similarity of the SOM for relative body caloricity (RBC) to the other three parameters (present/absent (PA), relative number (RN), and relative biomass (RB)) were investigated using 10 samples collected in the years 1979–1988. All the maps were in the form of 4 rows × 3 columns of neurons which made it possible to identify relevant similarities between the four population parameters. Output data for the four population parameters have been included in Table 3. Maps made for RBC and RB are most similar in the arrangement of identical samples in the same neurons (Fig. 2); the samples which are inside a given neuron do not differ at a significant level in terms of a given population parameter. Without exception, samples from 1979 to 1983 for parameters are deployed in neurons c1–c3 and d1–d3 in maps for RBC and RB, whilst in maps for PA and RN these samples are arranged very differently (Fig. 2, Tab. 4).
Some problems, however, can be found in the top rows (a1–a3, b1–b3), and this applies to all four maps. However, the smallest differences were recorded between RBC and RB, because samples 1984 (a1), 1985 (b3) and 1987 (a3) in both of these compared maps are in the same neurons. However, between the RB and RBC only two samples (1986 and 1988) of row ‘a’ moved to adjacent neurons in the same row (Fig. 2), thus indicating a significant similarity between these two compared maps. Besides, only maps for RB and RBC blank neurons are the same: b1, b2, c2, c3, and d1.
Fig. 2 SOMs formed by 12 hexagons (4 × 3) representing neurons as indicated by years of sampling data. SOMs created using: PA − present/absent, RN − relative number, RB − relative biomass and RBC − relative body caloricity. Initial data: see Table 3. |
Number of samples on SOMs made for parameters: PA, RN and RB which occupy the same position * as in the SOM for RBC (Fig. 2), and ** number of samples located in adjacent directly neurons as these in RBC. Explanations: PA − species present /not, RN − relative number, RB − relative biomass, and RBC −relative body caloricity.
5 Discussion
I have no objection to different measures of abundance or biomass being applied for investigating assemblage structures of investigated populations in such groups that are uniform in body size, such as Entomostraca, Acarina, Pseudoscorpionidae, Eriophyidae, Pseudoscorpionidae, Cladocera, Acarina, Chironomidae and Acrania, etc.
Studies on the formation and stability of fish assemblages have been conducted for a long time now and literature on the subject was already quite rich during the end of the last century (Matthews, 1998). The last important factor in this study is monitoring, as evidenced by the creation of several scientific journals noting this in their titles. Most of these studies are based on one sample/catch which allows for a so-called relative number and the comparative reliability of this parameter increases when sampling is based on the constant CPUA (catch per unit of effort). The value of such research increases if you use the same equipment to obtain samples (in our case the fish in the rivers) taken from the same place and same time periods/intervals, paying attention to the longevity of the surveyed individual species. In the case of fish, which differ considerably in body size, some researchers began using the relative biomass in their studies instead of the relative abundance (Penczak and Kruk, 2005; Penczak et al., 2005; Kruk, 2006; Penczak, 2011a; Kruk and Penczak, 2013; Stojkovic et al., 2013). Weighing fish in field conditions is no longer expensive, and the fish of a given species can also easily be counted before releasing them back to river water, and without exposing them to any harm. Another parameter for auditing fish rather than the relative abundance was noted in a book by Tytler and Calow (1985), dedicated to fish energetics and the little representative abundance of any given sample; for example, 1 g body weight of stickleback and 100 g of pike or any other of large-bodied fish species. If, according to Tytler and Calow (1985), the best known parameter is the potential energy stored in a population's tissue, it is necessary to check how the structure of an assemblage's population will look when we apply parameters: species present or not (incidence), relative number, or relative biomass. These results show that the relative body biomass is among the three tested parameters most similar to the relative body calorific value. SOMs constructed for RBC and RB were most similar to each other, and could be replaced by the relative biomass. To be more specific, this is possible when the SOM methodology is applied, because samples that are inside the same neuron (represented by a hexagon − a graphic unit built by SOM) do not significantly differ in species' composition or their abundance values (Kalteh et al., 2008; Céréghino and Park, 2009; Noori et al., 2010; Chon, 2011; Penczak, 2011a).
The fish body caloricity parameter was first used and tested on fish, and it is revealed that this important parameter gives an image of a fish assemblage that is similar to that obtained from the use of relative biomass, and this does not change the cost of the research done so far.
I thank Dr Richard Johnson (Canterbury, UK) for the correction of the English of the study. I also thank Łukasz Głowacki (University of Łódź) for helpful comments and for final English correction. I am obliged to the Anonymous Reviewers for valuable comments, and critical remarks. The fish sampling for the study was supported by the University of Łódź (car of our University and support staff from our Department).
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Cite this article as: Penczak T. 2018. Does the use of various population parameters affect fish assemblage structures? Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 54: 10
All Tables
Reproductive guilds, according to Balon (1990), of fish and lampreys collected in the Dobrzynka Stream in the period 1979–1988.
Quantization and topographic errors for four population's parameters estimated in seconds (each at 100 epoch) for rough training phase has length 12 and for finetuning phase − 48; training phases were equal.
Output data of population parameters used in the study (results from five connected sites): PA − presence-absence, RN − relative number, RB − relative biomass (in g), RBC − relative body caloricity (in KJ of wet weight). Averages for five sites recalculated per 100 m2. Acronyms for species are given in Table 1 in the legends.
Number of samples on SOMs made for parameters: PA, RN and RB which occupy the same position * as in the SOM for RBC (Fig. 2), and ** number of samples located in adjacent directly neurons as these in RBC. Explanations: PA − species present /not, RN − relative number, RB − relative biomass, and RBC −relative body caloricity.
All Figures
Fig. 1 Map of the study area and position of sites (A–E). |
In the text |
Fig. 2 SOMs formed by 12 hexagons (4 × 3) representing neurons as indicated by years of sampling data. SOMs created using: PA − present/absent, RN − relative number, RB − relative biomass and RBC − relative body caloricity. Initial data: see Table 3. |
In the text |
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