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Table B1

Density in individuals per litre of phytoplankton families in each of the studied ponds for each of the periods sampled.

  Bacillariophyceae (Bac) Chlorophyceae (Chl) Chrysophyceae (Chr) Conjugatophyceae (Cnj) Cryptophyceae (Cry) Cyanobacteria (Cya) Dinophyceae (Din) Euglenophyceae (Eug) Eustigmatophyceae (Eus) Trebouxiophyceae (Tre) Ulvophyceae (Ulv)
1_jun 198.75 140 0 7.5 2.5 731.25 2.5 13.75 1770 2.5 0
1_jul 97.5 18.75 2626.25 85 63.75 281.25 6.25 23.75 7.5 145 0
1_aug 43.75 30 245 77.5 0 311.25 328.75 1892.5 5 36.25 0
1_sep 60 46.25 2.5 53.75 65 205 560 785 5 22.5 0
1_oct 81.25 0 41.25 60 223.75 71.25 0 1013.75 0 45 0
1_nov 115 36.25 38.75 591.25 200 132.5 3.75 233.75 3.75 106.25 0
2_jun 100 48.75 0 71.25 16.25 2660 12.5 127.5 1.25 108.75 1.25
2_jul 173.75 41.25 1.25 100 0 3130 10 48.75 6.25 90 0
2_aug 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2_sep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2_oct 190 0 18.75 0 0 60 2.5 61.25 1.25 112.5 0
2_nov 136.25 28.75 35 0 17.5 7.5 1.25 0 0 38.75 0
3_jun 13.75 2.5 8.75 5 0 2037.5 2.5 1091.25 0 163.75 0
3_jul 1543.75 110 46.25 470 13.75 17.5 0 5 3.75 3.75 0
3_aug 76.25 20 143.75 11.25 6.25 271.25 23.75 98.75 0 32.5 0
3_sep 10 118.75 16.25 145 0 87.5 6.25 688.75 0 692.5 0
3_oct 1.25 0 1897.5 0 16.25 65 1.25 62.5 0 868.75 0
3_nov 2.5 0 341.25 2.5 2.5 10 0 2.5 0 717.5 0
4_jun 66.25 31.25 1.25 66.25 22.5 2845 17.5 38.75 2.5 52.5 1.25
4_jul 45 51.25 57.5 90 362.5 201.25 33.75 111.25 0 471.25 0
4_aug 47.5 73.75 3.75 82.5 0 366.25 16.25 1117.5 3.75 1887.5 5
4_sep 168.75 10 5 37.5 0 97.5 37.5 278.75 31.25 2446.25 0
4_oct 76.25 0 10 6.25 181.25 50 1.25 12.5 0 23.75 0
4_nov 56.25 25 0 2.5 307.5 40 6.25 3.75 0 18.75 0
5_jun 128.75 8.75 10 52.5 53.75 2026.25 55 91.25 0 126.25 0
5_jul 31.25 0 6.25 10 1466.25 213.75 523.75 365 0 95 0
5_aug 71.25 3.75 608.75 7.5 1.25 328.75 83.75 1325 0 60 0
5_sep 617.5 35 42.5 47.5 640 186.25 135 922.5 10 187.5 1.25
5_oct 27.5 12.5 1.25 5 8.75 57.5 0 5 0 75 0
5_nov 2151.25 302.5 52.5 15 36.25 131.25 5 137.5 2.5 52.5 0

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