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Cited article:

Decline in the number and size of populations of two Lymnaeidae living in central France over the last decade

In central France, the observed decline in the number and size of Galba truncatula and Omphiscola glabra populations still continued between the two study periods: 2013-2017 and 2020-2021. This decline may be due in part to heatwave episodes s that occurred in 2018, 2019 and 2020 in this region.

Int. J. Lim., 58 (2022) 11

Water temperature and microenvironmental factors predict the presence and detection of the snail host of Fasciola hepatica in Andean Patagonia

Ana C. Rodriguez Quinteros, Paula Soler, Marcela Larroza, Juan M. Morales and Juan M. Gurevitz
Veterinary Parasitology 329 110209 (2024)

Environmental influences on the distribution and ecology of the fluke intermediate host Galba truncatula: a systematic review

Christopher David Smith, Eric René Morgan and Rhys Aled Jones
Parasitology 1 (2024)

Destruction de Galba truncatula ou sauvegarde du mollusque : que faut-il faire sur les sols acides de la Haute-Vienne ?

Annales Scientifiques du Limousin (31) (2023)

Changes in the Populations of Two Lymnaeidae and Their Infection by Fasciola hepatica and/or Calicophoron daubneyi over the Past 30 Years in Central France

Daniel Rondelaud, Philippe Vignoles and Gilles Dreyfuss
Animals 12 (24) 3566 (2022)