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Cited article:

Survival durations and behavioural adjustments of two freshwater bivalves (Unio terminalis, Unionida and Corbicula fluminea, Venerida) under two emersion conditions

Freshwater bivalves are often exposed to drought and are highly affected due to their limited mobility. According to the results, the presence of moist sediment during droughts provide protection for the bivalve species used in the study and extended survival durations. Additionally, no evidence was found regarding the effect of size on survival.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 56 (2020) 29

Surviving global change: a review of the impacts of drought and dewatering on freshwater mussels

Kiara C. Cushway, Juergen Geist and Astrid N. Schwalb
Biological Reviews 100 (1) 275 (2025)