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Plankton characterization of alpine ponds: a case of study for the assessment of water quality in Serra da Estrela (Portugal)

This research focuses on the study of alpine ponds using an integrative approach (water chemistry, hydrological properties and communities' dynamics). Exploring the relations between abiotic factors and the planktonic communities, this work shows the inadequacy of current ecological quality assessment methods for lentic habitats in extreme environments and gives insights into future conservation concerns.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 56 (2020) 4

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Asma Fatima, Ghulam Abbas and Robert Kasprzak
Water 14 (13) 2115 (2022)

Geoethical implications of water pollution by road de‐icing: lessons and way forward in a mountain protected area (Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal)

Jorge Espinha Marques, Sara C. Antunes, João Honrado, et al.
Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews 3 (3) 349 (2021)