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Determining reference conditions of hemiboreal lakes in Latvia, NE Europe: a palaeolimnological approach

We used data on fossil algae to assess the beta-diversity in hemiboreal lakes in Latvia.

Results show that the algae turnover increases towards the present day.

Anthropogenic impact on the landscape and lakes were relatively minor before AD 1200.

We propose that the natural reference conditions of lakes are prior AD 1200.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 54 (2018) 22

The impact of Lusatian Urnfield and subsequent prehistoric cultures on lake and woodland ecosystems: insights from multi-proxy palaeoecological investigations at Bruszczewo, western Poland

Piotr Kołaczek, Monika Rzodkiewicz, Monika Karpińska-Kołaczek, Iwona Hildebrandt-Radke, Mariusz Gałka, Mateusz Jaeger, Jutta Kneisel and Jakub Niebieszczański
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany (2025)

Downward migrating microplastics in lake sediments are a tricky indicator for the onset of the Anthropocene

Inta Dimante-Deimantovica, Saija Saarni, Marta Barone, Natalja Buhhalko, Normunds Stivrins, Natalija Suhareva, Wojciech Tylmann, Alvise Vianello and Jes Vollertsen
Science Advances 10 (8) (2024)

Anthropogenic impact on a seacoast landscape during the last 1300 years in central Latvia, Northeastern Europe

Normunds Stivrins, Inga Doniņa, Muntis Auns, Ansis Blaus, Merlin Liiv, Dace Steinberga, Nauris Jasiunas and Ieva Grudzinska
Geoarchaeology 38 (4) 466 (2023)

Paleolimnological evidence of environmental changes in seven subtropical reservoirs based on metals, nutrients, and sedimentation rates

Sheila Cardoso-Silva, Juliana Oliveira Soares Silva Mizael, Daniele Frascareli, et al.
CATENA 206 105432 (2021)

Natural and Human-Transformed Vegetation and Landscape Reflected by Modern Pollen Data in the Boreonemoral Zone of Northeastern Europe

Normunds Stivrins, Agrita Briede, Dace Steinberga, Nauris Jasiunas, Jurijs Jeskins, Laimdota Kalnina, Alekss Maksims, Zigmars Rendenieks and Liva Trasune
Forests 12 (9) 1166 (2021)

Investigating the impact of anthropogenic land use on a hemiboreal lake ecosystem using carbon/nitrogen ratios and coupled-optical emission spectroscopy

N. Stivrins, M. Liiv, A. Brown, R.Y. Banerjea, A. Heinsalu and S. Veski
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 518 1 (2019)