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The zooplankton of the shallow lakes of the semi-arid region of southern South America

The study shows the influence of salinity, ionic composition, some biotic interactions, and human activities on the zooplankton of lakes in the semi-arid southern South America, a community composed of many scarcely known Neotropical endemic species, especially cladocerans and copepods.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 53 (2017) 345-360

Zooplankton Assemblages of an Argentinean Saline Lake during Three Contrasting Hydroperiods and a Comparison with Hatching Experiments

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Sensitivity of Daphnia spinulata Birabén, 1917 to glyphosate at different salinity levels

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Wetland disturbance level and macrophyte composition in natural wetlands and paddy fields in the eastern part of Lake Tana, Ethiopia

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Persistence of the non-native Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) in a large tropical reservoir

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Zooplankton community size structure across lakes within a semi-arid landscape: the effect of temperature and salinity

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Journal of Plankton Research 45 (3) 440 (2023)

Status of the zooplankton ecology in freshwater ecosystems from Argentina

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Effects of salinity and temperature on the biology of Daphnia menucoensis Paggi, 1996 (Crustacea, Cladocera)

Alicia María Vignatti, Santiago Andrés Echaniz and Gabriela Cecilia Cabrera
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Microplastics integrating the zooplanktonic fraction in a saline lake of Argentina: influence of water management

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Impact of water level fluctuation in the shaping of zooplankton assemblage in a shallow lake.

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An experimental salt reduction in a lake with long-term hypersaline conditions does not increase zooplankton diversity but affects the grazing of Artemia persimilis on algae

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