Table 2

Definition of the prior of the model parameters. MVNormal corresponds to the multivariate normal distribution, 𝒰 to the uniform distribution, Γ to the gamma distribution, 𝒩 to the normal distribution, and Beta to the Beta distribution.

Parameter Distribution Range
FL_Prior MVNormal(µp, σp,p)
Ml exp(FL_Prior [1])
ρl exp(-exp(FL_Prior [2]))
tauRl 1/exp(FL_Prior [3]2)
meanRl 𝒰 (2,1000)
tauAIhydro Γ (0.01,0.01) tauAIhydro > 4
tauCPUEl Γ (0.01, 0.01) tauCPUEl > 1
tauYieldl Γ (0.01, 0.01) tauYieldl > 1
tauFl Γ (0.01, 0.01) tauFl > 1
catchabilityCPUEl 𝒩 (1,10) 1.9 > catchabilityCPUEl >0.1
catchabilityAIhydrol 𝒩 (1,1) 1.5 > catchabilityAIhydrol > 0.5
initDensityl 𝒰 (1,1000)
fact_ini_Biomassl 𝒰 (0.80,1.2)
Bl,1 initDensityl× Surfacel
Bl,2 Bl,1×fact_ini_Biomassl
fact_ini_Recruitmentl,1 Beta (1,1)
fact_ini_Recruitmentl,2:3 𝒰 (0.25,4)
Recruitmentl.1 Bl,1×fact_ini_Recruitmentl,1/Wpostl
Recruitmentl,2:3 Recruitmentl,1:2 × fact_ini_Recruitmentl,2:3
Fl,1 𝒰 (0, 1)

With p corresponding to the indices of the parameters which prior are taken from the Fishlife R package: M, K from von Bertalanffy model (for the growth parameters ρ), ln_margsd as the log of the standard deviation of the recruitment.

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