Fig. 2

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“Wordcloud” (generated using based on the theme area words or phrases that have organized the proceedings of the 10 Coregonid Symposia that have been published since 1995. The size of the word or phrases is positively related to the frequency that the word was used (e.g., genetics was used the most, N = 9). Conservation (N = 3) is highlighted with green to show that the word has been relatively rarely used as a theme area in recently published proceedings.
Current usage metrics show cumulative count of Article Views (full-text article views including HTML views, PDF and ePub downloads, according to the available data) and Abstracts Views on Vision4Press platform.
Data correspond to usage on the plateform after 2015. The current usage metrics is available 48-96 hours after online publication and is updated daily on week days.
Initial download of the metrics may take a while.