Table 4

Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) effective population size, number of adults, and number of full-sib pairs found at sites on the Detroit River estimated using genotypes from eggs collected in the Detroit River and COLONY. N = number of larvae included in simulation, Ne=effective population size, Nad = estimated number of breeding adults, Nfs = estimated number of full-sib pairs, CI = confidence interval.

Site Year N Ne 95% CI of Ne Nad Nfs
Belle Isle 2010 26 16 8, 35 19 16
Belle Isle 2014 21 12 6, 30 15 16
Fighting Island 2009 55 42 27, 68 44 54
Fighting Island 2010 183 118 89, 155 134 158
Fighting Island 2013 138 82 59, 112 94 121
Fighting Island 2014 115 70 50, 99 77 110
Fighting Island 2015 56 29 18, 50 42 53
Fighting Island 2016 63 30 18, 50 44 49

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