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Table 1

Distribution of numbers (NoSp) of taxa (Code) at different altitudinal ranges (Range, m) along with nine habitat types with ostracods and four ecological variables with minimum and maximum values measured during this study. Abbreviations: TW, Water temperature; DO, Dissolved Oxygen; Sal, Salinity. Habitat code: 1, lake; 2, creek; 3, trough; 4, reservoir; 5, pond; 7, spring water; 8, canal; 9, puddle; 10, pool; Species abbreviations: Bo, Bradleycypris obliqua; Csp, Candona sp.; Cn, C. neglecta; Cw, C. weltneri; Cr, Cypretta cf. reticulata; Co, Cypria ophtalmica; Cv, Cypridopsis vidua; Cp, Cypris pubera; Ds, Darwinula stevensoni; Esp, Eucypris sp.; Fw, Fabeaformiscandona cf. wegelini; Hl, Hemicypris cf. largereticulata; Hh, Herpetocypris helenae; Hin, H. intermedia; Hr, H. reptans; Hi, Heterocypris incongruens; Hre, H. reptans; Hro, H. rotundata; Hs, H. salina; Hsp, Heterocypris sp.; lb, Ilyocypris bradyi; Ig, I. gibba; Ii, I. inermis; Im, I. monstrifica; Isp, Ilyocypris sp.; Isbe, Isocypris beauchampi; Li, Limnocythere inopinata; Pw, Plesiocypridopsis newtoni; Pa, Potamocypris arcuata; Pof, P. fallax; Ps, P. smaragdina; Posp, Potamocypris sp.; Pv, P. variegata; Pvi, P. villosa; Pcsp, Prionocypris sp.; Pz, Prionocypris zenkeri; Pal, Pseudocandona albicans; Pasp, Pseudocandona sp.; Pnsp, Pseudostrandesia n. sp.; Pr, Psychrodromus cf. robertsoni; Pf, P. fontinalis; Po, P. olivaceus; Psp, Psychrodromus sp.; Sp, Stenocypris sp.

Range Code NoSp Habitat TW pH DO Sal
1486–1650 Pof, Po 2 3, 5, 9 10.7–20.3 8.0–8.9 5.51–7.73 0.08–0.16
1321–1485 Ib, Pa, Pof 3 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 11.4–20.8 7.6–8.7 4.62–9.85 0.10–0.54
1156–1320 Hre, Ib, 2 1, 3, 5, 8 13.2–20.5 7.4–8.5 4.42–8.62 0.16–0.54
991–1155 Cw, Hin, Hi, Hs, Ib, Pof 6 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 10.1–21.2 7.9–8.3 2.93–15.4 0.10–0.55
826–990 Cp, Hr, Hi, Hs, Ib, Ii, Pw, Pof, Pvi, Pf, Po 11 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 12.3–22.7 7.3–8.5 5.08–9.93 0.14–0.51
661–825 Hin, Hi, Hre, Hs, Pof, Po 6 3, 5, 9, 10 12.3–29.3 7.2–8.4 3.69–10.1 0.17–1.09
496–660 Hi, Hre, Hs, Ib, Pf 5 2, 3, 5, 10 14.1–25.0 7.4–8.6 5.34–9.35 0.16–0.29
331–495 Cn, Hs, Ib, Ig, Ii, Li, Pv, Pzi, Po 9 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 14.8–25.2 7.5–8.6 4.84–10.1 0.19–0.48
166–330 Bo, Co, Ds, Fw, Hh, Hs, Ig, Ii, Pw, Pof, Pal, Po 12 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 13.7–25.1 7.0–8.6 5.80–10.9 0.15–1.17
0–165 Cr, Ct, Cv, Cp, HI, Hro, Hs, Ib, Ig, Im, Isbe, Li, Ps, Pz, Pr, Pf, Pnsp 17 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 17.6–28.9 7.8–8.8 1.43–14.9 0.11–5.57

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