Bio-assessment of surface waters in the south-east of Gaziantep (Turkey) using diatom metrics

Abuzer Çelekli and Hamdullah Arslanargun

Ecological characterizations of the sampling stations were introducedby TIT–Trophic Index Turkey, TI–Trophic Index, and EPI-D–Eutrophication and/or Pollution Index-Diatom. Trophic index Turkey tested in this study provides information about assessment of surface watersin the south-east of the Gaziantep catchment (Turkey). Comparedto EPI-D, TIT was more competitive and had significantpositive correlation with P-PO4. Trophic Index Turkey could be a useful biological metricfor freshwater monitoring.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 55 (2019) 11
DOI: 10.1051/limn/2019010

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