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Impact of altitude on spring macroinvertebrates and water quality in South West region of Cameroon

Sylvie Belengfe Chinche, Christophe Piscart, Pascale Mbanga Medjo, Ernest Koji, Raoul Polycarpe Tuekam Kayo and Serge Hubert Zebaze Togouet

We evaluated the impact of altitude on the biodiversity and water quality of 13 springs located from 82 to 1,189m a.s.l. on Mount Cameroon. Despite lower temperature and more oxygen at higher altitudes, diversity, including EPT did not increase. Therefore, African fauna reacts similarly to the faunas of other areas of the world. African species appear to be well adapted to warm and poorly oxygenated water compared to species from other parts of the world.

Int. J. Lim., 59 (2023) 10
DOI: 10.1051/limn/2023010

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