Krešimir Žganec,
Renata Ćuk,
Jelena Tomović,
Jasna Lajtner,
Sanja Gottstein,
Simona Kovačević,
Sandra Hudina,
Andreja Lucić,
Martina Mirt,
Vladica Simić et al. (2 more)
Distribution of 14 Peracarida species (5 native and 9 alien) along entire course of the Sava River was established: only natives inhabited the upper third of Sava and aliens dominated the rest of the course. Artificial stony substrates act as stepping stones of invasion for alien peracarids and largely contribute to their success in large lowland rivers.
Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 54 (2018) 15
Published online: 17 April 2018
DOI: 10.1051/limn/2018008
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