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Cited article:

The effect of water level changes on the density of newly hatched European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) larvae in unregulated and regulated lakes

There was no association between water level variables and the density of newly hatched whitefish larvae or egg survival. Neither was the average larval density in the regulated lakes generally lower than that in the non-regulated lake. Thus, moderate water level regulation does not drive whitefish population dynamics directly by negatively affecting the life stage from spawning to hatching.

Int. J. Lim., 60 (2024) 23

Long-term decline of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) population in the boreal lake Pyhäjärvi, southwest Finland, relative to simultaneous abiotic and biotic changes

Jouko Sarvala, Harri Helminen, Juha Karjalainen, Timo J. Marjomäki, Tero Forsman, Lauri Anttila, Orlane Anneville, Chloé Goulon, Juha Karjalainen, Jean Guillard, Jared T. Myers and Jason Stockwell
International Journal of Limnology 60 16 (2024)