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Mollusc fisheries and length–weight relationship in Tonle Sap flood pulse system, Cambodia

The study assesses the landings of three mollusc species in Tonle Sap. It demonstrates that the bivalve was abundant during dry season, while the gastropod Pila species was abundant during rainy season. The results indicate significant contributions of mollusc to ecology and people's livelihoods, and the population of the two groups being intensively harvested.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 54 (2018) 34

The Impacts of Dams on Streamflow in Tributaries to the Lower Mekong Basin

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Length-weight relationship of mangrove clam (Pegophysema philippiana) in different sites within the Baganga, Davao Oriental Province, Philippines

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Ethogram and classification of the mating and egg-laying behaviour of the Southeast Asian apple snail Pila virescens (Deshayes, 1824) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Ampullariidae)

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Length-Weight Relationship of the Kelp Forest Gastropod and Emerging Fisheries Species, Kellet's Whelk, Kelletia kelletii

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Growth and condition index of pokea clams (Batissa violacea var. celebensis, von Martens 1897) in Lasolo River Mouth, Southeast Sulawesi

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Reproductive and Growth Parameters of the Razor Clam, Cultellus maximus (Gmelin, 1791), in Southern Vietnam

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A global synthesis of ecosystem services provided and disrupted by freshwater bivalve molluscs

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Taxonomic revision of a radiation of South-east Asian freshwater mussels (Unionidae : Gonideinae : Contradentini+Rectidentini)

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Molecular phylogeny reveals a new genus of freshwater mussels from the Mekong River Basin (Bivalvia: Unionidae)

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Temporal morphometric analyses of Pila globosa in India for its use in aquaculture and food industry

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Fish Community Responses to Human-Induced Stresses in the Lower Mekong Basin

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Patterns of Mekong Mollusc Biodiversity: Identification of Emerging Threats and Importance to Management and Livelihoods in a Region of Globally Significant Biodiversity and Endemism

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Annotated checklist of freshwater molluscs from the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia

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Length–weight relationships of bivalve species in Italian razor clam Ensis minor (Chenu, 1843) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) fishery

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