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Identification and expression of proteolysis-response genes for Macrophthalmus japonicus exposure to irgarol toxicity

M. japonicas is one of the most abundant macrobenthic animals in estuarine zone.

We performed de novo transcriptome sequencing to produce the most comprehensive EST resource for M. japonicas.

We identified stress response genes in M. japonicus exposed to antifouling biocides irgarol.

A total of 887,690 reads were obtained, which were assembled into 24,217 high quality ESTs using 454 pyrosequencing.

Irgarol toxicity induced up-regulation of proteolysis and oxidation-reduction genes in biological process.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 52 (2016) 65-74

Modulating responses of indicator genes in cellular homeostasis, immune defense and apoptotic process in the Macrophthalmus japonicus exposed to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate as a plastic additive

Kiyun Park and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 108 104456 (2024)

Transcriptomic and Histological Analysis of the Greentail Prawn (Metapenaeus bennettae) Following Light Crude Oil Exposure

Emily K. Armstrong, Julie Mondon, Adam D. Miller, Andrew T. Revill, Sarah A. Stephenson, Mun Hua Tan, Paul Greenfield, Jared J. Tromp, Patricia Corbett and Sharon E. Hook
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41 (9) 2162 (2022)

Apoptotic p53 Gene Expression in the Regulation of Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP)-Induced Oxidative Stress in the Intertidal Crab Macrophthalmusjaponicus

Kiyun Park and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Antioxidants 11 (4) 771 (2022)

Environmentally relevant concentrations of Triclosan cause transcriptomic and biomolecular alterations in the hatchlings of Labeo rohita

Sunil Sharma, Owias Iqbal Dar, Sharad Thakur, Anup Kumar Kesavan and Arvinder Kaur
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 96 104004 (2022)

Triclosan elicited biochemical and transcriptomic alterations in Labeo rohita larvae

Sunil Sharma, Owias Iqbal Dar, Kirpal Singh, Arvinder Kaur and Caterina Faggio
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 88 103748 (2021)

Effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on Transcriptional Expression of Cellular Protection-Related HSP60 and HSP67B2 Genes in the Mud Crab Macrophthalmus japonicus

Kiyun Park, Won-Seok Kim and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Applied Sciences 10 (8) 2766 (2020)

Expression Levels of the Immune-Related p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Transcript in Response to Environmental Pollutants on Macrophthalmus japonicus Crab

Kiyun Park, Won-Seok Kim, Bohyung Choi and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Genes 11 (9) 958 (2020)

Environmental Pollutants Impair Transcriptional Regulation of the Vitellogenin Gene in the Burrowing Mud Crab (Macrophthalmus Japonicus)

Kiyun Park, Hyunbin Jo, Dong-Kyun Kim and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Applied Sciences 9 (7) 1401 (2019)

Changes in exoskeleton surface roughness and expression of chitinase genes in mud crab Macrophthalmus japonicus following heavy metal differences of estuary

Kiyun Park, Tae-Soo Kwak, Won-Seok Kim and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Marine Pollution Bulletin 138 11 (2019)

Salinity and bisphenol A alter cellular homeostasis and immune defense by heat shock proteins in the intertidal crab Macrophthalmus japonicus

Kiyun Park and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 229 106381 (2019)

Characterization and Transcriptional Response of Ecdysone Receptor Gene in the Mud Crab Macrophthalmus japonicus: Effects of Osmotic Stress and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Kiyun Park, Won-Seok Kim and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Ocean Science Journal 54 (4) 611 (2019)

Changes of exoskeleton surface roughness and expression of crucial participation genes for chitin formation and digestion in the mud crab (Macrophthalmus japonicus) following the antifouling biocide irgarol

Kiyun Park, Chamilani Nikapitiya, Won-Seok Kim, Tae-Soo Kwak and Ihn-Sil Kwak
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 132 186 (2016)