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Evaluating the eDNA spatial signal in natural populations and its application for the monitoring of the threatened Harttiella (Siluriformes, Loricariidae)
Céline Condachou, Opale Coutant, Sébastien Brosse and Jérôme Murienne Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 22(9) 660 (2024)
Deforestation strengthens environmental filtering and competitive exclusion in Neotropical streams and rivers
Isabel Cantera, Céline Jézéquel, Tony Dejean, Jérôme Murienne, Régis Vigouroux, Alice Valentini and Sébastien Brosse Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290(2006) (2023)
Vertical Distribution of Ichthyofauna in Lakes on the Western Slopes of the Subpolar and Polar Urals
Aquarium trade and fish farms as a source of non-native freshwater fish introductions in French Guiana
Sébastien Brosse, Antoine Baglan, Raphael Covain, et al. Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 57 4 (2021)
Unlocking biodiversity and conservation studies in high‐diversity environments using environmental DNA (eDNA): A test with Guianese freshwater fishes
Kévin Cilleros, Alice Valentini, Luc Allard, Tony Dejean, Roselyne Etienne, Gaël Grenouillet, Amaia Iribar, Pierre Taberlet, Régis Vigouroux and Sébastien Brosse Molecular Ecology Resources 19(1) 27 (2019)
Length-weight relationships of 58 fish species in French Guiana streams
L. Allard, A. Toussaint, R. Vigouroux and S. Brosse Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31(3) 567 (2015)
Electrofishing efficiency in low conductivity neotropical streams: towards a non‐destructive fish sampling method
L. Allard, G. Grenouillet, K. Khazraie, L. Tudesque, R. Vigouroux and S. Brosse Fisheries Management and Ecology 21(3) 234 (2014)