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Tangerine, Pomegranate, and Banana Peels: A Promising Environmentally Friendly Bioorganic Fertilizers for Seed Germination and Cultivation of Pisum sativum L.
Azeddin El Barnossi, Fatima Zahrae Moussaid, Hamza Saghrouchni, Btissam Zoubi and Abdel Ilah Iraqi Housseini Waste and Biomass Valorization 13(8) 3611 (2022)
Decomposition of tangerine and pomegranate wastes in water and soil: characterisation of physicochemical parameters and global microbial activities under laboratory conditions
Azeddin El Barnossi, Fatimazahrae Moussaid and Abdelilah Iraqi Housseini International Journal of Environmental Studies 76(3) 456 (2019)
Étude de la biodégradation des feuilles d’eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) et de laurier rose (Nerium oleander) dans l’eau de l’Oued Aïn Chkef au Maroc