Table A1

Linear models developed to predict standard length of zooplankton from total lengths. These models were applied to subset of samples where total length was measured instead of standard length. In some cases, the taxa were present in such low abundance, especially in Lake Superior, to be impractical to locate even 30 individuals to develop such models. For these instances, we either used the best applicable model available, regardless of lake, or made no effort to apply a correction because the taxa were present in very low numbers in our data set of length measurements. The Note column shows those decisions. For example, we had a single Harpacticoid measured incorrectly, so we assumed the correct length was 0.8 that of the incorrect measurement.

Lake Family or genus Intercept Slope N R2 Note
Geneva Acanthocyclops 0.063 0.763 70 0.98
Bosmina No effort; only 8 measured during study.
Calanoid copepodite −0.034 0.905 60 0.92
Cyclopoid copepodite −0.008 0.827 60 0.83
Cyclops −0.067 0.894 70 0.95
Daphnia −0.023 0.691 60 0.94
Eudiaptomus 0.029 0.859 60 0.91
Leptodiaptomus Lake Geneva Eudiaptomus
Nauplii 0.15 0.720 60 0.77
Superior Acanthocyclops Lake Geneva Acanthocyclops
Cyclopoid copepodite Lake Geneva Cyclopoid copepodite
Cyclops Lake Geneva Cyclops
Daphnia Lake Geneva Daphnia
Diacyclops 0.011 0.772 40 0.81
Diaptomus −0.053 0.870 40 0.92
Epischura −0.050 0.850 30 0.85
Harpacticoid 0.000 0.80 Assumed correct length was 0.8 of incorrect measurement.
Leptodiaptomus −0.144 0.921 40 0.92
Limnocalanus 0.042 0.822 40 0.97
Mesocyclops Lake Geneva cyclops
Senecella 0.073 0.76 40 0.84
Nauplii Not measured in Superior

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