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Table 3

Tolerance (Tol) and optimum (Opt) values for the nine most common species against the variables measured from each sampling site. Abbreviations: Count (numbers of species occurrence), Max (maximum numbers of individuals), N2 (Hill's coefficient or measure of effective number of occurrences), dissolved oxygen (DO, mg l−1), electrical conductivity (EC, μS cm−1), water temperature (Tw, °C), redox potential (ORP), elevation (Elev), sodium (Na2+, ppm) in water, magnesium (Mg2+, ppm) in water, calcium (Ca2+, ppm) in water, fluoride (F, ppm) in water, chloride (Cl, ppm) in water, total phosphate (T.PO4 3–, ppm) in sediment.

        pH DO EC Tw ORP Elev

Name Count Max N2 Opt Tol Opt Tol Opt Tol Opt Tol Opt Tol Opt Tol
Neglecandona neglecta 4 9 2.4 7.3 0.8 7.3 1.1 238.61 561.55 11.3 3.6 369.72 570.55 1690.12 919.3
Heterocypris incongruens 15 225 4.7 8.1 0.3 8.3 1.8 540.86 510.08 12.9 1.3 344.22 316.56 1512.46 384.27
Ht. salina 11 190 4.3 8.1 0.3 7.7 0.8 2236.4 2152.9 15.5 2.5 359.87 31.19 792 430.01
Ilyocypris bradyi 18 135 3.4 8.0 0.3 8.1 1.3 1948.2 1265.5 13.1 1.9 361.32 637.8 1250.02 360.28
Potamocypris fallax 12 115 4.0 8.2 0.4 8.8 0.7 955.22 395.77 10.9 1.1 351.26 142.73 1364.8 265.69
Po. fulva 6 58 2.6 8.3 0.2 8.9 2.7 491.65 405.13 11.8 3.7 351.99 135.38 1250.78 863.19
Po. villosa 18 370 5.3 8.3 1 9.5 3.3 399.02 302.21 14 3.8 341.44 217.32 1468.9 543.7
Psychrodromus fontinalis 16 18 6.4 8.1 0.3 9 2.6 1208.7 1870.2 12.5 4.3 361.25 219.59 1249.12 732.83
P. olivaceus 12 49 2.5 8.4 0.3 8.4 1.4 857.31 234.74 17 2.5 345.56 164.81 335.11 332.09
Neglecandona neglecta 4 9 2.4 149 62 321 863 247.69 170.91 0.06 0.1 294.06 108.79 0.34 0.36
Heterocypris incongruens 15 225 4.7 897 61 395 517 380.5 235.39 0.07 0.3 283.93 166.49 0.63 0.33
Ht. salina 11 190 4.3 49 845 274 294 726.74 979.76 0.06 0.1 162.76 184.16 0.39 0.32
Ilyocypris bradyi 18 135 3.4 29 374 22 103 785.39 911.98 0.14 0.2 192.04 200.06 0.41 0.34
Potamocypris fallax 12 115 4 201 471 791 391 464.64 155.9 0.03 0 686.69 34.75 0.27 0.36
Po. fulva 6 58 2.6 373 275 602 698 248.19 225.84 0.02 0 221.87 42.91 0.76 0.23
Po. villosa 18 370 5.3 645 182 455 614 277.08 951.62 0.34 105 21.58 145.25 0.43 0.34
Psychrodromus fontinalis 16 18 6.4 394 806 156 291 312.41 247.84 0.02 0 897.65 150.16 0.46 0.38
P. olivaceus 12 49 2.5 128 570 954 511 471.65 218.39 0.08 0.1 568.68 888.62 0.58 0.24

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