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Table 1

Comparison of the habitat types in the Giresun province with collected ostracods.

Habitat type Total Sampling Site Sites with Ostracod Number of Species Sites with ostracod (%) Species per Sites
Lake 1 1 1 100.0 1
Creek 11 7 8 63.64 1.143
Trough 30 27 13 90.0 0.481
Stream 25 13 9 52.0 0.692
Pond 2 1 1 50.0 1
River 19 10 8 52.64 0.8
Ditch 7 4 4 57.14 1
Pool 4 2 2 50.0 1
Waterfall 6 4 5 66.67 1.25
Total 105 69      

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