Fig. 6
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Heads of Barbatula spp in dorsal view: A: Barbatula hispanica MNCN_ICHTYO 278716-278735, 3, 57.2–70.9 mm SL, 57.2 mm SL, Ugarana at Dantxarinea, 11th October 2009, Doadrio, Garzón, Pedraza and Ornelas coll.; B: Barbatula leoparda holotype MNHN-IC-2018-0228, 62.6 mm SL, Têt at Nefiach, 7th September 2016, Denys and ONEMA coll.; C: Barbatula quignardi holotype MGAB77, 52 mm SL, Lez River, July 1962, Băcescu coll.
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