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Table 2

Results of the ANOVA test for the effect of leaf species, experiment duration, and their interaction on the performance of the amphipod. Significant p-values are in bold.

  Consumption  Death rate RNA:BM  Growth rate Mass body condition  Lipid body condition 

Source of variation DF F-value p-value F-value p-value F-value p-value F-value p-value F-value p-value F-value p-value
Species 4 62.76 <0.001 1.42 0.242 1.15 0.335 1.52 0.195 3.57 0.007 2.12 0.079
Day 4 8.46 <0.001 0.48 0.491 1.12 0.349 3.42 0.009 4.24 0.002 0.55 0.698
SpeciesxDay 16 1.83 0.024 0.57 0.682 1.72 0.044 0.67 0.820 1.99 0.015 1.01 0.442

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