Factors influencing larval coregonine spatial distribution in Lake Geneva (Europe) and Lake Superior (North America) during a single season near known spawning sites

Jamie A. Dobosenski, Daniel L. Yule, Jean Guillard, Orlane Anneville, Edmund J. Isaac, Jason D. Stockwell, Jared T. Myers, Amanda S. Ackiss, Rosaura J. Chapina and Seth A. Moore

We exploredpotential drivers of larval coregoninedistributions in Lake Geneva, France and Lake Superior, USA. Depth and wind were important drivers in both lakes, date was important in Lake Geneva, and available preydensity was not important. Understanding the importance of these factors can help elucidate mechanisms regulating larval survival.

Int. J. Lim., 60 (2024) 12
DOI: 10.1051/limn/2024013

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