A new diatom index to assess ecological quality of running waters: a case study of water bodies in western Anatolia

Assane Anabi Toudjani, Abuzer Çelekli, E. Yonca Gümüş, Seda Kayhan, H. Ömer Lekesiz and Tolga Çetin

Trophic index Turkey (TIT) tested in this study provides information about assessment of running waters. Compared with EPI-D, TIT was more competitive and had a well-fitting regression with logTP. EQR based on TIT showed a negative significant correlation with logTP. TIT could be a useful biological metric for freshwater monitoring.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 53 (2017) 333-343
DOI: 10.1051/limn/2017012

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