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Antioxidant defense of Ephemera danica larvae (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) − seasonal and longitudinal impact of the trout farm
Anđelina Z. Tatović, Miroslav Ž. Živić, Dejan Mirčić, Katarina Z. Stojanović, Vesna D. Perić-Mataruga, Zoran Z. Marković, Dajana D. Todorović, Zoran M. Stojanović, Milenka LJ. Božanić and Ivana M. Živić

Changes in GPx activity emerged as the most sensitive biomarker to the trout farm's effluents, showing higher sensitivity compared to macrozoobenthos indices (SI, BMWP, and MBMWPPO). The data collected during this study provides a more detailed analysis and improved insight into the conditions of natural habitats and the organisms living there.

Int. J. Lim., 60 (2024) 25

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