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Seasonal patterns of viral, microbial and planktonic communities in Sidi Salem: a freshwater reservoir (North of Tunisia)

Samira Ben Romdhane, Monia El Bour, Asma Hamza, Fourat Akrout, Mohamed Mejdeddine Kraiem and Stéphan Jacquet

* We examined abundances of selected microorganisms and seasonal distribution patterns of viral, microbial and planktonic communities in Sidi Salem reservoir.

* Picocyanobacteria abundances were higher in the euphotic strate and decrease with depth.

* The vertical distributions of heterotrophic bacteria showed important fluctuations during the period of study. This community was characterized by a clear separation between High DNA and Low DNA content populations.

* The VLP community was highly dynamic during the period of monitoring.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 50 4 (2014) 299-314
DOI: 10.1051/limn/2014023

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