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Cited article:

Galba truncatula (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae): the colonization of new stations on acid soil by low numbers of snails

The introduction of Galba truncatula samples, each comprising 5, 10 or 20 snails, in 25 slope rushes and 24 ditches on acidic soil allowed the development of new populations in 10 sites (out of 21) where samples of 5 snails each were used and in the other 28 sites when each sample included 10 or 20 snails.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 57 (2021) 26

Interactions between Galba truncatula (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae) and two land snail species on the acid soils of central France

Daniel Rondelaud, Philippe Vignoles and Gilles Dreyfuss
Molluscan Research 44 (2) 143 (2024)

Destruction de Galba truncatula ou sauvegarde du mollusque : que faut-il faire sur les sols acides de la Haute-Vienne ?

Annales Scientifiques du Limousin (31) (2023)

Decline in the number and size of populations of two Lymnaeidae living in central France over the last decade

Philippe Vignoles, Gilles Dreyfuss and Daniel Rondelaud
International Journal of Limnology 58 11 (2022)