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Cited article:

Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil - Biodiversity of Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) from the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil: new records and species richness in hydrographic regions

We investigated the richness and species composition of cladocerans (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in 50 lakes of the Pantanal from the state of Mato Grosso (Paraguay hydrographic region), Brazil. In addition, we cataloged the known cladoceran species in each hydrographic region (HR) of the state. We reported 17 new records, and suggested a greater sampling effort, especially in areas of the Amazon and Tocantins-Araguaia HRs.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 56 (2020) 7

So much with so little: new records of Cladocera and Cyclestherida (Branchiopoda) for Alagoas State, Brazil

Lourdes M. A. Elmoor-Loureiro and Francisco Diogo R. Sousa
Nauplius 32 (2024)

An overview of vinasse pollution in aquatic ecosystems in Brazil

Valter M. Azevedo-Santos, Juliana Aparecida Fernandes, Geovana de Souza Andrade, Paula Mendes de Moraes, Anne E. Magurran, Fernando M. Pelicice and Tommaso Giarrizzo
Environmental Management 74 (6) 1037 (2024)

Large sampling effort is not related to richness and geographic distribution of Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in the Brazilian Savannah

Geisa Bruna Maia Martins, Eduardo Guimarães Santos, Lourdes Maria Abdu Elmoor-Loureiro and Francisco Diogo R Sousa
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 59 (2) 448 (2024)

A new species of Acantholeberis (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) suggests an ancient geographic distribution of the genus in South America

Francisco Diogo R. Sousa, Lourdes Maria A. Elmoor-Loureiro, Raquel Fontoura Freiry, Juan Pablo Álvarez-Silva, Cristina Stenert, Leonardo Maltchik, Paloma M. Lopes and Reinaldo Luiz Bozelli
European Journal of Taxonomy 821 40 (2022)

Contribución al conocimiento de Cladóceros de las charcas temporales al norte de Colombia

Juan M. Fuentes-Reinés, Lourdes M.A. Elmoor-Loureiro, Francisco Diogo R. Sousa and Pedro Eslava-Eljaiek
Revista Peruana de Biología 29 (2) e22641 (2022)

Conservation of Brazilian freshwater biodiversity: Thinking about the next 10 years and beyond

Valter M. Azevedo-Santos, Jorge Luiz Rodrigues-Filho, Philip M. Fearnside, Thomas E. Lovejoy and Marcelo F. G. Brito
Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (1) 235 (2021)