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Cited article:

Effects of food concentration on the life table demography and morphology of three Keratella quadrata morphotypes

K. quadrata with two, one and none posterior lateral spines (2PS, 1PS and 0PS) did not show any preference to food level. The 0PS morphotype had less fitness than 2PS. Despite the morphotype of rotifer parent, the major morphotype of offsprings was 2PS. Food level might affect the ratio of 2PS and 1PS offsprings reproduced by 0PS and 1PS rotifer parents.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 54 (2018) 16

Comparison of life-history parameters and effectiveness in competition with Moina macrocopa between two Keratella tropica morphs

Ya-Li Ge, Xiao-Jing Yu, Rong Zhan, et al.
Limnologica 85 125823 (2020)