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Cited article:

A common error in calculating density of invertebrates in sediment core sections of unequal lengths

The study shows that for sediment core sections of unequal lengths (which is frequently the case because researchers expect higher variability in the surface layers compared to the deeper ones), the only correct approach is to express all density measurements per unit volume (not area). Given the high number of studies using incorrect calculations, the study paves the way for better practices in benthic sampling.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 52 (2016) 301-306

Co-occurrence and potential resource partitioning between oligochaetes and chironomid larvae in a sediment depth gradient

Ryszard Kornijów, Krzysztof Pawlikowski, Leszek A. Błędzki, et al.
Aquatic Sciences 83 (3) (2021)

Wide variation in a tiny space: The microdistribution of meiobenthos in an artificial pond

Birgit Gansfort, Walter Traunspurger, Ilka Threis and Nabil Majdi
Freshwater Biology 63 (5) 420 (2018)