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Cited article:

Zoogeography of the ostracod genus Nannocandona (Podocopa) with description of two new species from Europe and East Asia

Two new Nannocandona species are described, and the world records of N. faba Ekman, 1914 are reviewed. It is proposed that the name should be retained only for the original population. Map of distribution and key to all species of the genus are provided, along with the discussion on the parthenogenetic reproduction of the subterranean Candoninae.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 51 4 (2015) 297-313

First record of males of Cypridopsis vidua (Crustacea, Ostracoda) species complex for Europe

Giampaolo Rossetti, Elena Bellavere and Ilaria Mazzini
Journal of Limnology 83 (2024)

Trans-Japan Sea land-bridge disjunction: A case of vicariance in the subterranean genus Nipponasellus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellidae) in a large-scale biogeographical context

Zootaxa 5357 (3) 342 (2023)

Subterranean Waters of Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico Reveal Epigean Species Dominance and Intraspecific Variability in Freshwater Ostracodes (Crustacea: Ostracoda)

Laura Macario-González, Sergio Cohuo, Dorottya Angyal, Liseth Pérez and Maite Mascaró
Diversity 13 (2) 44 (2021)

Phylogenetic position of the East Asian ostracod genus Undulacandona within Candonidae with description of four new species from subterranean waters of Korea

Ivana Karanovic and Joo-Lae Cho
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 181 (1) 98 (2017)

Aquifer and surface-water ostracodes in Quaternary paleowetland deposits of southern Nevada, USA

Richard M. Forester, Claire Carter, Jay Quade and Alison J. Smith
Hydrobiologia 786 (1) 41 (2017)