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The Effect of Peatland Restoration on Ciliate Communities: Long-Term Analyses
Tomasz Mieczan, Aleksandra Bartkowska, Urszula Bronowicka-Mielniczuk and Natalia Rudyk-Leuska Water 15(21) 3793 (2023)
Edge effects on decomposition in Sphagnum bogs: Implications for carbon storage
Effects of the Invasive Fish Species Ameiurus nebulosus on Microbial Communities in Peat Pools
Tomasz Mieczan, Wojciech Płaska, Małgorzata Adamczuk, Magdalena Toporowska and Aleksandra Bartkowska Water 14(5) 815 (2022)
Distribution of Soil Microbes in Urban Parks: An Effect of Under-Tree Crown and Hillside Position on Testate Amoeba Assemblages in Subtropics (Shenzhen, China)
Yuantan Zhong, Aleksandr Ivanovskii, Jean Claude Ndayishimiye, Andrey N. Tsyganov, Kirill Babeshko, Damir Saldaev and Yuri Mazei Land 11(12) 2250 (2022)
Ciliates in different types of pools in temperate, tropical, and polar climate zones – implications for climate change
Effects of experimental addition of nitrogen and phosphorus on microbial and metazoan communities in a peatbog
Tomasz Mieczan, Małgorzata Adamczuk, Monika Tarkowska-Kukuryk, Pęczuła Wojciech and Barbara Pawlik-Skowrońska European Journal of Protistology 59 50 (2017)
Classification of vegetative lagg types and hydrogeomorphic lagg forms in bogs of coastal British Columbia, Canada
Sarah A. Howie and Ilja (H.J.) van Meerveld Canadian Geographies / Géographies canadiennes 60(1) 123 (2016)
Ecology of testate amoebae (Protists) in mosses: distribution and relation of species assemblages with environmental parameters (King George Island, Antarctica)
Stable isotope analyses revealed high seasonal dynamics in the food web structure of a peatbog
Tomasz Mieczan, Niedźwiecki Michał, Małgorzata Adamczuk and Irena Bielańska-Grajner International Review of Hydrobiology 100(5-6) 141 (2015)
Eutrophication of peatbogs: consequences of P and N enrichment for microbial and metazoan communities in mesocosm experiments