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Effect of Simulated Eutrophication of Peatlands on the Microbiome of Utricularia vulgaris L.

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The Effect of Peatland Restoration on Ciliate Communities: Long-Term Analyses

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Ciliates as restoration indicators in peatbogs — 10 years of study

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Effects of experimental addition of nitrogen and phosphorus on microbial and metazoan communities in a peatbog

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Landscape analysis of nutrient-enriched margins (lagg) in ombrotrophic peatlands

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Stable isotope analyses revealed high seasonal dynamics in the food web structure of a peatbog

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Eutrophication of peatbogs: consequences of P and N enrichment for microbial and metazoan communities in mesocosm experiments

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Effects of rotifers, copepods and chironomid larvae on microbial communities in peatlands

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Ecology of moss dwelling ciliates from King George Island, Antarctic: the effect of environmental parameters

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Diurnal dynamics of the microbial loop in peatlands: structure, function and relationship to environmental parameters

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