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Key role of streambed moisture and flash storms for microbial resistance and resilience to long‐term drought

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Ecological and soil hydraulic implications of microbial responses to stress – A modeling analysis

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A large-scale study of hyporheic nitrate dynamics in a semi-arid catchment, the Tafna River, in Northwest Algeria

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Influence of Hydrological Perturbations and Riverbed Sediment Characteristics on Hyporheic Zone Respiration of CO2 and N2

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Benthic and hyporheic macroinvertebrate distribution within the heads and tails of riffles during baseflow conditions

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Colonization Habitat Controls Biomass, Composition, and Metabolic Activity of Attached Microbial Communities in the Columbia River Hyporheic Corridor

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Physicochemical and microbiological indicators of surface water body contamination with different sources of digestate from biogas plants

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Geochemical and Microbial Community Attributes in Relation to Hyporheic Zone Geological Facies

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A simple multi-criteria approach to delimitate nitrate attenuation zones in alluvial floodplains. Four cases in south-western Europe

Iñaki Antiguedad, Ane Zabaleta, Miren Martinez-Santos, et al.
Ecological Engineering 103 315 (2017)

Does land use impact on groundwater invertebrate diversity and functionality in floodplains?

Cecilia Español, Francisco A. Comín, Belinda Gallardo, et al.
Ecological Engineering 103 394 (2017)

Deterministic influences exceed dispersal effects on hydrologically‐connected microbiomes

Emily B. Graham, Alex R. Crump, Charles T. Resch, Sarah Fansler, Evan Arntzen, David W. Kennedy, Jim K. Fredrickson and James C. Stegen
Environmental Microbiology 19 (4) 1552 (2017)

Macroinvertebrate community traits and nitrate removal in stream sediments

Jingmei Yao, Fanny Colas, Angelo G. Solimini, Tom J. Battin, Sarig Gafny, Manuela Morais, María Á. Puig, Eugenia Martí, Martin T. Pusch, Catherina Voreadou, Francesc Sabater, Frédéric Julien, José M. Sánchez‐Pérez, Sabine Sauvage, Philippe Vervier and Magali Gerino
Freshwater Biology 62 (5) 929 (2017)

Improved simulation of river water and groundwater exchange in an alluvial plain using the SWAT model

X. Sun, L. Bernard-Jannin, C. Garneau, et al.
Hydrological Processes 30 (2) 187 (2016)

Alteration of physico-chemical and microbial properties in freshwater substrates by burrowing invertebrates

Carolin Boeker, Tillmann Lueders, Melanie Mueller, Joachim Pander and Juergen Geist
Limnologica 59 131 (2016)

Groundwater–surface water mixing shifts ecological assembly processes and stimulates organic carbon turnover

James C. Stegen, James K. Fredrickson, Michael J. Wilkins, et al.
Nature Communications 7 (1) (2016)

Fine sediment deposition and interstitial flow effects on macroinvertebrate community composition within riffle heads and tails

Kate L. Mathers and Paul J. Wood
Hydrobiologia 776 (1) 147 (2016)

A survey on pre-processing techniques: Relevant issues in the context of environmental data mining

Karina Gibert, Miquel Sànchez–Marrè, Joaquín Izquierdo and Karina Gibert
AI Communications 29 (6) 627 (2016)

Emily B. Graham, Alex R. Crump, Charles T. Resch, Sarah Fansler, Evan Arntzen, David W. Kennedy, Jim K. Fredrickson and James C. Stegen

Lampreys as ecosystem engineers: burrows of Eudontomyzon sp. and their impact on physical, chemical, and microbial properties in freshwater substrates

Carolin Boeker and Juergen Geist
Hydrobiologia 777 (1) 171 (2016)

The hyporheic zone and its functions: revision and research status in Neotropical regions

R Mugnai, G Messana and T Di Lorenzo
Brazilian Journal of Biology 75 (3) 524 (2015)

Influence of temperature on surface sediment disturbance by freshwater fish: a microcosm experiment

J. Canal, P. Laffaille, F. Gilbert, C. Lauzeral and L. Buisson
Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 51 (2) 179 (2015)

The effects of increased flow and fine sediment on hyporheic invertebrates and nutrients in stream mesocosms

Iwan Jones, Ivor Growns, Amanda Arnold, Stephanie McCall and Mike Bowes
Freshwater Biology 60 (4) 813 (2015)

Diversity and distribution of benthic and hyporheic fauna in different stream types on an alpine glacial floodplain

Valeria Lencioni and Daniel Spitale
Hydrobiologia 751 (1) 73 (2015)

Effects of invasive and indigenous amphipods on physico-chemical and microbial properties in freshwater substrates

Carolin Boeker and Juergen Geist
Aquatic Ecology 49 (4) 467 (2015)

Continental hydrosystem modelling: the concept of nested stream–aquifer interfaces

N. Flipo, A. Mouhri, B. Labarthe, et al.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (8) 3121 (2014)

Geochemical, geological and hydrological influence on ostracod assemblages distribution in the hyporheic zone of two Mediterranean rivers in central Spain

Sanda Iepure, Raffaella Meffe, Francisco Carreño, Ruben L. Rasines and Irene de Bustamante
International Review of Hydrobiology 99 (6) 435 (2014)

Effects of urban stream burial on nitrogen uptake and ecosystem metabolism: implications for watershed nitrogen and carbon fluxes

Michael J. Pennino, Sujay S. Kaushal, Jake J. Beaulieu, Paul M. Mayer and Clay P. Arango
Biogeochemistry 121 (1) 247 (2014)

Continental hydrosystem modelling: the concept of nested stream–aquifer interfaces

N. Flipo, A. Mouhri, B. Labarthe and S. Biancamaria
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 11 (1) 451 (2014)

Influence of hyporheic zone characteristics on the structure and activity of microbial assemblages

Geraldine Nogaro, Thibault Datry, Florian Mermillod‐Blondin, Arnaud Foulquier and Bernard Montuelle
Freshwater Biology 58 (12) 2567 (2013)

Hyporheic invertebrates as bioindicators of ecological health in temporary rivers: A meta-analysis

Catherine Leigh, Rachel Stubbington, Fran Sheldon and Andrew J. Boulton
Ecological Indicators 32 62 (2013)

Modeling the dynamics of metabolism in montane streams using continuous dissolved oxygen measurements

Christian Birkel, Chris Soulsby, Iain Malcolm and Doerthe Tetzlaff
Water Resources Research 49 (9) 5260 (2013)

A cost-effective method to quantify biological surface sediment reworking

Eve De Nadaï-Monoury, Antoine Lecerf, Julie Canal, et al.
Hydrobiologia 713 (1) 115 (2013)

Role of the hyporheic heterotrophic biofilm on transformation and toxicity of pesticides

J.M. Sánchez-Pérez, B. Montuelle, F. Mouchet, et al.
Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 49 (2) 87 (2013)

Downward, upstream or downstream? Assessment of meio- and macrofaunal colonization patterns in a gravel-bed stream using artificial substrates

Maria Cristina Bruno, Elisa Bottazzi and Giampaolo Rossetti
Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 48 (4) 371 (2012)