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Cited article:

Life cycle phenology, secondary production, and trophic guilds of caddisfly species in a lake-outlet stream of Patagonia

Cecilia Brand and María Laura Miserendino
Limnologica 42 (2) 108 (2012)

Environmental changes and macroinvertebrate responses in Patagonian streams (Argentina) to ashfall from the Chaitén Volcano (May 2008)

María Laura Miserendino, Miguel Archangelsky, Cecilia Brand and Luis Beltrán Epele
Science of The Total Environment 424 202 (2012)

Life history strategies and production of caddisflies in a perennial headwater stream in Patagonia

Cecilia Brand and María Laura Miserendino
Hydrobiologia 673 (1) 137 (2011)

Altered mayfly distribution due to strong interactions with alien rainbow trout in Andean streams of Patagonia

Ricardo Javier Albariño and Leonardo Mario Buria
Limnologica 41 (3) 220 (2011)

Life history, seasonal variation and production of Andesiops torrens (Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty) and Andesiops peruvianus (Ulmer) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in a headwater Patagonian stream

Luis Beltrán Epele, María Laura Miserendino and Pablo Pessacq
Limnologica 41 (1) 57 (2011)