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Testing the bioaccumulation of manufactured nanomaterials in the freshwater bivalveCorbicula flumineausing a new test method

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Habitat use and food sources of European flounder larvae (Platichthys flesus, L. 1758) across the Minho River estuary salinity gradient (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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Potential impacts of the invasive species Corbicula fluminea on the survival of glochidia

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Taxonomy and ecology of alien Corbicula species - II Biological characteristics of clams and their impacts on ecosystems

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Assessing the effects of temperature and salinity oscillations on a key mesopredator fish from European coastal systems

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Biocontrol: the response of native oystercatchers to a non‐native clam invasion

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Potamopyrgus antipodarumas a potential defender against swimmer’s itch in European recreational water bodies—experimental study

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Continuous reproduction of Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1824) females: an invasive mussel species in a female-biased population

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Palatability of the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller 1774) in an invaded system

P. S. Castro, M. I. Ilarri, V. Modesto, C. Antunes and R. Sousa
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First evidence of asymmetric competition between the non‐native clam Corbicula fluminea and the native freshwater mussel Unio delphinus during a summer heat wave

Noé Ferreira‐Rodríguez, Laura Fandiño, Adrián Pedreira and Isabel Pardo
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28 (5) 1105 (2018)

Physical legacy of freshwater bivalves: Effects of habitat complexity on the taxonomical and functional diversity of invertebrates

Martina I. Ilarri, Luís Amorim, Allan T. Souza and Ronaldo Sousa
Science of The Total Environment 634 1398 (2018)

Effects of invasive aquatic carrion on soil chemistry and terrestrial microbial communities

Adriana Novais, Cláudia Pascoal and Ronaldo Sousa
Biological Invasions 19 (8) 2491 (2017)

Effects of invasive clam (Corbicula fluminea) die‐offs on the structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems

Adriana Novais, Daniela Batista, Fernanda Cássio, Cláudia Pascoal and Ronaldo Sousa
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Use of stable isotope ratios of fish larvae as indicators to assess diets and patterns of anthropogenic nitrogen pollution in estuarine ecosystems

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Ecological Indicators 83 112 (2017)

Benthic food webs support the production of sympatric flatfish larvae in estuarine nursery habitat

Ester Dias, Pedro Morais, Ana M. Faria, Carlos Antunes and Joel C. Hoffman
Fisheries Oceanography 26 (4) 507 (2017)

The use of biomarkers as integrative tools for transitional water bodies monitoring in the Water Framework Directive context — A holistic approach in Minho river transitional waters

R. Capela, J. Raimundo, M.M. Santos, et al.
Science of The Total Environment 539 85 (2016)

Freshwater mollusc assemblages and habitat associations in the Danube River drainage, Hungary

Erika Bódis, Bence Tóth and Ronaldo Sousa
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26 (2) 319 (2016)

Inter- and intraspecific variation of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in freshwater bivalves

Adriana Novais, Ester Dias and Ronaldo Sousa
Hydrobiologia 765 (1) 149 (2016)

Facilitation in the low intertidal: effects of an invasive species on the structure of an estuarine macrozoobenthic assemblage

A Novais, AT Souza, M Ilarri, C Pascoal and R Sousa
Marine Ecology Progress Series 522 157 (2015)

Zooplankton structure and dynamics in two estuaries from the Atlantic coast in relation to multi-stressors exposure

L.R. Vieira, L. Guilhermino and F. Morgado
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 167 347 (2015)

Integrated biomarker responses of the invasive species Corbicula fluminea in relation to environmental abiotic conditions: A potential indicator of the likelihood of clam's summer mortality syndrome

Cristiana Oliveira, Pedro Vilares and Lúcia Guilhermino
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 182 27 (2015)

Differences in the macrozoobenthic fauna colonising empty bivalve shells before and after invasion by Corbicula fluminea

M. I. Ilarri, A. T. Souza, V. Modesto, L. Guilhermino and R. Sousa
Marine and Freshwater Research 66 (6) 549 (2015)

Influence of Long-Term Exposure to Background Pollution on the Response and Recovery of the Invasive Species Corbicula fluminea to Ammonia Sub-lethal Stress: a Multi-marker Approach with Field Estuarine Populations

Sónia Costa and Lúcia Guilhermino
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226 (4) (2015)

Yes, caffeine, ibuprofen, carbamazepine, novobiocin and tamoxifen have an effect on Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)

Gabriela V. Aguirre-Martínez, Angel T. DelValls and M. Laura Martín-Díaz
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 142 (2015)

Population structure, production and feeding habit of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) in the Minho estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula)

A. T. Souza, E. Dias, J. C. Marques, C. Antunes and I. Martins
Environmental Biology of Fishes 98 (1) 287 (2015)

Structure, growth and production of a remarkably abundant population of the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae)

A. T. Souza, E. Dias, J. Campos, J. C. Marques and I. Martins
Environmental Biology of Fishes 97 (6) 701 (2014)

Influence of the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) on estuarine epibenthic assemblages

M.I. Ilarri, A.T. Souza, C. Antunes, L. Guilhermino and R. Sousa
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 143 12 (2014)

Linking terrestrial and benthic estuarine ecosystems: organic matter sources supporting the high secondary production of a non-indigenous bivalve

Ester Dias, Pedro Morais, Carlos Antunes and Joel C. Hoffman
Biological Invasions 16 (10) 2163 (2014)

Modeling the Minho River plume intrusion into the Rias Baixas (NW Iberian Peninsula)

M.C. Sousa, N. Vaz, I. Alvarez, M. Gomez-Gesteira and J.M. Dias
Continental Shelf Research 85 30 (2014)

Characterization of an estuarine environment by means of an index based on intertidal macrofauna

Anxo Conde, Júlio M. Novais and Jorge Domínguez
Marine Pollution Bulletin 71 (1-2) 129 (2013)

Multivariate analysis applied to agglomerated macrobenthic data from an unpolluted estuary

Anxo Conde, Júlio M. Novais and Jorge Domínguez
Marine Environmental Research 87-88 112 (2013)

The Portuguese National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management as a spatial planning instrument to climate change adaptation in the Minho River Estuary (Portugal NW-Coastal Zone)

Rute Pinto and Filomena Cardoso Martins
Environmental Science & Policy 33 76 (2013)

Mollusc communities along upstream–downstream gradients in small coastal basins of the south-western Iberian Peninsula

J. C. Pérez-Quintero
Hydrobiologia 703 (1) 165 (2013)

Sediment macroinvertebrate community functioning in impacted and newly-created tidal freshwater habitats

Olivier Beauchard, Sander Jacobs, Tom Ysebaert and Patrick Meire
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 120 21 (2013)

Natural heavy metal and metalloid concentrations in sediments of the Minho River estuary (Portugal): baseline values for environmental studies

M. Mil-Homens, A. M. Costa, S. Fonseca, et al.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (7) 5937 (2013)

Characterization of Heavy-Metal Contamination in Surface Sediments of the Minho River Estuary by way of Factor Analysis

M. Mil-Homens, A. M. Costa, S. Fonseca, et al.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 64 (4) 617 (2013)

Invasive dynamics of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) in the international section of the River Minho (NW of the Iberian Peninsula)

Ronaldo Sousa, Fabiana E. P. Freitas, Micaela Mota, António J. A. Nogueira and Carlos Antunes
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23 (5) 656 (2013)

Place branding and endogenous rural development. Departure points for developing an inner brand of the River Minho estuary

M Dolores Domínguez García, Lummina Horlings, Paul Swagemakers and Xavier Simón Fernández
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 9 (2) 124 (2013)

Associated macrozoobenthos with the invasive Asian clam Corbicula fluminea

Martina I. Ilarri, Fabiana Freitas, Sérgia Costa-Dias, et al.
Journal of Sea Research 72 113 (2012)

Population dynamics of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in mesohaline and oligohaline habitats: Invasion success in a Southern Europe estuary

J.N. Franco, F.R. Ceia, J. Patrício, et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 112 31 (2012)

The exotic aquatic mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Hydrobiidae, Mollusca): state of the art of a worldwide invasion

Álvaro Alonso and Pilar Castro-Díez
Aquatic Sciences 74 (3) 375 (2012)

The migration patterns of the European flounder Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pleuronectidae, Pisces) at the southern limit of its distribution range: Ecological implications and fishery management

Pedro Morais, Ester Dias, John Babaluk and Carlos Antunes
Journal of Sea Research 65 (2) 235 (2011)

Differences in the neighborhood: Structural variations in the carapace of shore crabs Carcinus maenas (Decapoda: Portunidae)

Allan T. Souza, Martina I. Ilarri, Joana Campos, João C. Marques and Irene Martins
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 95 (4) 424 (2011)

The mussel Xenostrobus securis: a well-established alien invader in the Ria de Vigo (Spain, NE Atlantic)

S. Pascual, A. Villalba, E. Abollo, et al.
Biological Invasions 12 (7) 2091 (2010)

Factors influencing epibenthic assemblages in the Minho Estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula)

Sérgia Costa-Dias, Vânia Freitas, Ronaldo Sousa and Carlos Antunes
Marine Pollution Bulletin 61 (4-6) 240 (2010)

Patterns in abundance and distribution of juvenile flounder, Platichthys flesus, in Minho estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula)

Vânia Freitas, Sérgia Costa-Dias, Joana Campos, et al.
Aquatic Ecology 43 (4) 1143 (2009)

Abiotic impacts on spatial and temporal distribution of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in the River Minho estuary, Portugal

Ronaldo Sousa, Marta Rufino, Miguel Gaspar, Carlos Antunes and Lúcia Guilhermino
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18 (1) 98 (2008)

Growth and production of Pisidium amnicum in the freshwater tidal area of the River Minho estuary

Ronaldo Sousa, António J.A. Nogueira, Carlos Antunes and Lúcia Guilhermino
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 79 (3) 467 (2008)

Factors Affecting Pisidium amnicum (Müller, 1774; Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) Distribution in the River Minho Estuary: Consequences for its Conservation

Ronaldo Sousa, Pedro Morais, Carlos Antunes and Lúcia Guilhermino
Estuaries and Coasts 31 (6) 1198 (2008)

Subtidal macrozoobenthic assemblages along the River Minho estuarine gradient (north‐west Iberian Peninsula)

Ronaldo Sousa, Sérgia Dias, Vânia Freitas and Carlos Antunes
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18 (7) 1063 (2008)

Growth and extremely high production of the non-indigenous invasive species Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774): Possible implications for ecosystem functioning

Ronaldo Sousa, António J.A. Nogueira, Miguel B. Gaspar, Carlos Antunes and Lúcia Guilhermino
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80 (2) 289 (2008)

Relative importance of estuarine flatfish nurseries along the Portuguese coast

Henrique N. Cabral, Rita Vasconcelos, Catarina Vinagre, et al.
Journal of Sea Research 57 (2-3) 209 (2007)

Genetic and shell morphological variability of the invasive bivalve Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) in two Portuguese estuaries

Ronaldo Sousa, Ruth Freire, Marta Rufino, et al.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74 (1-2) 166 (2007)

Species composition and monthly variation of the Molluscan fauna in the freshwater subtidal area of the River Minho estuary

Ronaldo Sousa, Carlos Antunes and Lúcia Guilhermino
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 75 (1-2) 90 (2007)