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Should I stay or should I go: Hydrologic characteristics and body size influence fish emigration from the floodplain following an atypical summer flood
Richard H. Walker, Christopher J. Naus and Steven Reid Adams Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31(4) 607 (2022)
Diel changeover of fish assemblages in shallow sandy habitats of lowland rivers of different sizes
Michał Nowak, Artur Klaczak, Ján Koščo, et al. Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (420) 41 (2019)
Are vertical migrations driven by circadian behaviour? Decoupling of activity and depth use in a large riverine elasmobranch, the freshwater sawfish (Pristis pristis)
Patterns of diel activity and species richness in young and small fishes of European streams: a review of 20 years of point abundance sampling by electrofishing