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Macroinvertebrate community structure and spatial distribution in the lower section of Kossou Lake (Côte d’Ivoire)
Konaté Dotchemin, Camara Adama Idrissa, Edia Oi Edia and Ouattara Allassane International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 41(1) 629 (2021)
Phylogéographie de Neritina stumpffi Boettger, 1890 et Neritina canalis Sowerby, 1825 (Gastropoda, Cycloneritida, Neritidae)
Mesohabitat associations of the threatened San Marcos salamander (Eurycea nana) across its geographic range
Peter H. Diaz, Joe N. Fries, Timothy H. Bonner, Mara L. Alexander and Weston H. Nowlin Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25(3) 307 (2015)
Records and causes of Holocene salinity shifts in Laguna de Bay, Philippines
Caroline Marie B. Jaraula, Fernando P. Siringan, Ralf Klingel, Hiroshi Sato and Yusuke Yokoyama Quaternary International 349 207 (2014)
Driftwood as a vector for the oceanic dispersal of estuarine gastropods (Neritidae) and an evolutionary pathway to the sunken-wood community
Biodiversity and ecosystem function in species-poor communities: community structure and leaf litter breakdown in a Pacific island stream
Jonathan P. Benstead, James G. March, Catherine M. Pringle, Katherine C. Ewel and John W. Short Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28(2) 454 (2009)
Habitat influences snail community structure and trematode infection levels in a spring-fed river, Texas, USA
Hierarchical contribution of river–ocean connectivity, water chemistry, hydraulics, and substrate to the distribution of diadromous snails in Puerto Rican streams