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Cited article:

Distribution of oligochaetes in a stream in the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil

BFJV. Rosa, RT. Martins and RG. Alves
Brazilian Journal of Biology 75 (1) 1 (2015)

Inventory and distribution of Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) in first-order streams in preserved areas of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Luciana Falci Theza Rodrigues, Felipe Silveira Leite and Roberto da Gama Alves
Biota Neotropica 13 (1) 245 (2013)

Aquatic oligochaetes associated with bryophytes in an Atlantic Forest stream

Luciana Falci Theza Rodrigues, Lucas Deziderio Santana and Roberto da Gama Alves
Biota Neotropica 13 (4) 371 (2013)